Riding the Wave of Change: Leadership Edition ๐Ÿ”‘

Riding the Wave of Change: Leadership Edition ๐Ÿ”‘
Did you catch the news this morning? Every headline screams CHANGE at us - political shifts, economic twists, technological revolutions, climate transformations. It's enough to make anyone's head spin!

And there you are, sitting in your leadership chair, knowing that every one of these massive global shifts will eventually ripple into your organization, team, and individual responsibilities. The question isn't if change will come knocking - it's when and how prepared you'll be when it does.

After 20+ years in management, I've seen leaders handle change in two distinct ways:

Reactive leaders wait for change to happen, then scramble to respond. They treat each change like a surprise thunderstorm without an umbrella.

Proactive leaders anticipate change, prepare their teams, and navigate the inevitable disruption with purpose. They've checked the forecast, packed umbrellas, and mapped out shelter locations before the first raindrop falls.

Which approach sounds less stressful to you? (Hint: it's not the first one!)

Why Change Leadership Matters Now More Than Ever

Let's talk about what you'll gain by mastering the art of leading through change:
  • Higher Success Rates: While 70% of organizational changes fail, teams with skilled change leaders see dramatically better outcomes
  • Maintained Productivity: A proactive approach minimizes that dreaded performance dip
  • Talent Retention: People don't leave organizations because of change - they leave because of poorly managed change
  • Adaptable Culture: Your team becomes naturally resilient rather than change-resistant

The Change Curve: It's a Journey, Not a Light Switch

One of the biggest mistakes I see leaders make is treating change like flipping a switch - announce it Friday, expect perfect adaptation Monday. But humans don't work that way!

Change follows a predictable pattern that looks something like this:

Notice something important: that dip in performance isn't failure - it's a natural part of the process. Understanding this curve gives us tremendous power as leaders.

When resistance and chaos emerge (and they always will), remember it's not irrational or negative. It's a human response rooted in legitimate concerns:
  • Fear of the unknown: "What will this mean for me?"
  • Loss of control: "I was good at the old way!"
  • Concern about competence: "Will I succeed in the new system?"
  • Workload anxiety: "This means more effort when I'm already stretched thin"
  • Past scars: "The last change was a disaster."
Resistance isn't your enemy - it's valuable information telling you exactly what needs addressing. And it's never personal, just deeply human.

Your Own Emotions Have a Multiplier Effect

Here's an uncomfortable truth: your reaction to change has a ripple effect throughout your team. If you approach change with anxiety or frustration (even if you think you're hiding it well), that energy spreads like wildfire.
This doesn't mean faking positivity. It means doing your internal work first. Process your reactions with peers or mentors before addressing your team. Your people don't need you to be perfect - they need you to be steady, thoughtful, and genuinely committed to navigating change together.

This Week's Leadership Code Word: ANTICIPATE

Being a proactive change leader means developing your ability to anticipate - not just the change itself, but the human responses to it.
Three powerful mindset shifts can transform how you lead through change:
  1. Adopt a Learning Orientation: Approach change with curiosity rather than certainty
  2. Embrace Both/And Thinking: Acknowledge both the potential benefits AND the legitimate challenges
  3. Focus on Influence, Not Control: You can't control the change, but you can influence how you and your team respond

Your Leadership Challenge

Before your next team meeting, take 10 minutes to reflect on a change you're currently navigating:
  1. Where are you personally on the change curve? Be honest with yourself.
  2. Where do you observe different team members on the curve? (Remember, they won't all be in the same place)
  3. What specific support does each stage require?
Then, choose one action to support your team through this change better. It might be as simple as acknowledging the challenges more openly or creating space for questions and concerns.

Remember, true leadership isn't about avoiding the storms of change - it's about helping your team navigate them with confidence, resilience, and even a sense of adventure. ๐ŸŒŠ

๐Ÿ”‘ This change management approach is just one piece of the Leadership Locksmith System, where we unlock your leadership potential step by step. Ready to level up not only your change management skills but your entire leadership approach? Contact me and let's start transforming how you lead through life's inevitable changes.

They're Not Job-Hopping, They're Escaping You ๐Ÿ”‘

They're Not Job-Hopping, They're Escaping You ๐Ÿ”‘
 I heard some doozies from exhausted leaders this week:

"No one in this generation wants to work anymore!"

 "I can't keep anyone more than a few months before they jump ship."

 "People just job hop constantly now—it's what they do."

 "Haven't had an employee last a whole year."

Sound familiar? If you're nodding along, your organization isn't just stuck on the hiring merry-go-round—it's watching precious dollars vanish with every resignation letter.

When I hear statements like these, my leadership coach heart doesn't just sink—it sees dollar signs flying out the window. These aren't just casual observations; they're expensive warning signals of a communication breakdown draining thousands of dollars from your organization with each resignation letter.

Let me be straight with you (because after 20+ years as a manager, I've earned the right to be blunt): Every time your team overhears you say, "Nobody wants to work anymore," or “No one sticks around for more than a few months,” you might as well be signing their resignation letters—and writing off thousands in replacement costs.

This week's Leadership Code Word: MIRROR ๐Ÿชž

Just like a mirror reflects reality without filter or flattery, let's reflect on some cold, hard numbers for a moment.

According to the Work Institute's 2020 Retention Report, the minimum cost of employee turnover is approximately 33% of a worker's annual salary. For many positions, Gallup research places this figure much higher—between 50-200% of annual salary, depending on role complexity and seniority. Even for entry-level employees making $15/hour ($31,200 annually), you lose at least $10,300 each time someone quits. For a $50,000 employee, you're looking at $16,500 to $100,000 walking out the door—per person! Multiply that by your turnover rate, and the figure becomes downright terrifying.

But wait, there's more! Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report reveals that the employees who stay but are disengaged cost organizations through:
  • Significantly lower productivity (18% lower than average)
  • Higher absenteeism (37% higher)
  • Lower quality output (15% lower)
  • Decreased customer metrics (10% lower customer ratings)
And what's the #1 driver of engagement? You guessed it—how leaders communicate with their teams.

The Hidden Costs of Leadership Communication

Imagine you work at a restaurant making food. The pay is standard, hours fit your life perfectly, and you genuinely enjoy cooking. What would make you quit and start new at the restaurant down the street? Easy—the people. Especially the boss who never clearly communicates expectations, treats you with respect, offers recognition, or discusses growth opportunities.

Remember that jaw-dropping statistic from the Global Leadership Report I shared in an earlier issue? Employed people are nearly as likely to name someone from work (34%) as they are to name a family member (44%) as the person who has had the most significant positive impact on their lives.

Let that sink in.

Your influence on the people working for you today rivals that of family members. That's not just power—it's a profound responsibility that demands clear, consistent communication. When you fail to communicate with respect and clarity, you're not just losing e
mployees—you're watching thousands of dollars walk out the door with each resignation.

From Conversation Landmines to Leadership Gold

Here's the good news: If you're struggling with this, you're not alone. Nearly every leader I've coached has faced some version of this challenge. The better news? This is absolutely a fixable problem, and it starts with the one thing you can control—yourself.
This week, I encourage you to pay attention to your language about your team. Write down how you describe your employees when talking to:
  • Your boss
  • Your colleagues
  • Your friends
  • Your employees themselves
Notice any discrepancies? That's where the communication breakdown begins.

Working with a coach can be transformative here because we often can't see our own communication blind spots. I've helped leaders identify their subtle language patterns that were unconsciously telling their teams, "I don't expect you to stick around"—and then watched as retention dramatically improved once those patterns shifted.

And, if you're ready to take it further, try this mindset shift: Start communicating with your team as if each person carries the irreplaceable keys to your success.

In reality, each employee walks around with thousands of dollars in training investment, invaluable institutional knowledge, vital customer relationships, and pieces of your culture that can't be quantified on a balance sheet.

Notice how your words change when you view your team not as replaceable parts but as essential keepers of your organization's past, present, and future—human beings whose value extends far beyond the staggering financial cost of replacing them.

Ready to transform your communication approach and stop the exodus? Book a leadership game plan session, and let's get started.

Burnout Isn't a Badge of Honor

Burnout Isn't a Badge of Honor
I thought I was crushing it. A full-time job and a graduate school program perfectly aligned with my work - I was the poster child for career dedication. My evenings? Filled with coursework and projects that were connected to my job. Weekends? More of the same. My friends, family, and hobbies? Well, I missed them. But, I loved what I was doing so much that the line between work and study blurred into one endless loop of productivity with little time to miss out on the other things that made me... well, me.

But here's the plot twist you probably saw coming a mile away: By graduation, I wasn't just tired - I was completely burned out. Within months after graduation, I left a job I had once truly loved because I had nothing left to give. What I needed then (but didn't know it) was a coach to help me create sustainable success strategies. Someone to challenge my "more is more" mindset and help me design a better way to create balance in my leadership. And someone to help me create a recovery plan to get me back to the place where I loved my work and still had a life away from the job. 

That burnout experience revolutionized my approach to leadership: Work-life harmony isn't a perk - it's a survival skill. I started my next role (a bigger position with more responsibilities) with boundaries as solid as bank vault security. Why? Because I'd learned the hard way that sustainable leadership requires sustainable practices. And I never, ever want to feel burnout like that again. Now, I get to show other leaders how to achieve more by doing less - and actually enjoy their lives along the way. 

Here's the thing - my story isn't unique. And unfortunately, for many of us, it is all too common. In 2021, the World Health Organization released findings that should make every workaholic sit up straight: Working more than 55 hours per week is now the leading occupational hazard. Let that sink in. We're not just talking about being tired - we're talking about 745,000 deaths in 2016 from stroke and heart disease related to overwork.

Still thinking about checking those emails at 9 PM? Consider this: 

  • Your stroke risk jumps 35% when working over 55 hours 
  • Heart disease risk increases 17% 
  • Men are particularly vulnerable (72% of cases) 
Those extra hours? They're probably wasted anyway. Stanford research showed that output at 70 hours barely differed from 56 hours. Those extra 14 hours? They are just expensive window-dressing.

๐Ÿ”‘ Leadership Code Word of the Week: RECHARGE

Because let's face it - you can't pour from an empty cup, and your leadership battery needs regular charging to keep your strategic superpowers at full strength. Here are four proven strategies I use with my coaching clients to help them maximize impact while minimizing burnout:

  1. Conduct Your Hours Audit: Track every working hour this week (including those "quick" evening email checks). Be ruthlessly honest. Why? Because awareness drives change. When you see those hours in black and white, it becomes harder to justify that "just one more thing" mindset. Plus, research shows your cognitive function drops significantly after 50 hours of work. Want to make better decisions? Start by knowing where your time really goes.
  2. Delegate Like Your Health Depends On It (Because It Does): Choose three tasks to hand off this week. Yes, your team might tackle them differently - that's actually a good thing! When you trust others with meaningful work, two amazing things happen: they grow stronger, and you free up mental space for true leadership. Feeling unsure about what to delegate or how to let go? That's where leadership coaching makes all the difference. We help you develop the confidence and skills to know exactly when and what to hand off to your talented team.
  3. Set Your Non-Negotiable Boundary: Choose one firm limit - like no email after 6 PM or protecting your lunch break. Stick to it like it's mandated by law. When you respect your own boundaries, you model healthy work habits for your team. Plus, you'll show up fresher, sharper, and more creative. Those breakthrough solutions rarely come when you're running on empty.
  4. Schedule Joy (And Guard It Fiercely): Block time for something that energizes you - exercise, family dinner, a hobby - and defend it like you would a crucial stakeholder meeting. Why? Because you are a crucial stakeholder in your own success. Leaders who maintain interests outside work bring fresh perspectives and increased resilience to their roles. Your team needs you energized, not exhausted.
Remember: Every hour you reclaim isn't just an investment in your well-being - it's an investment in your leadership effectiveness. Your team deserves a leader who's present, focused, and modeling sustainable success. 

Ready to unlock your leadership potential without sacrificing your sanity? Let's connect! Connect with me for more practical wisdom on leading without losing yourself in the process!

๐Ÿ”“Leadership 2025: Press Start to Continue

๐Ÿ”“Leadership 2025: Press Start to Continue
Full disclosure: I was terrible at Super Mario Brothers. Like, embarrassingly bad. I'd regularly fall into pits, get knocked out by the slowest-moving Goombas, and my timing on those jumping sequences? Let's just say Princess Peach wasn't counting on me for rescue. I never made it that far.

But here's the thing - I kept playing anyway. Even though I was terrible, I memorized every hidden block and power-up location in World 1-1 through sheer persistence. Because while I may not be a natural gamer, I discovered something crucial: the path to success, whether in Mario Brothers or leadership, follows the same pattern. You start small, gather new abilities, learn from those face-palm moments, and gradually level-up to bigger challenges.

In the game, tiny Mario hunts for mushrooms to grow bigger, grabs fire flowers for new abilities, and collects stars for temporary invincibility. Each power-up transforms his capabilities for tougher challenges ahead. Leadership works the same way - though thankfully, there's less chance of being eaten by piranha plants. It's not about being perfect; it's about being persistent and knowing when you need that next power-up.

That's exactly what was on my mind last week when a client confided in our coaching session: "I've hit my leadership plateau. I climbed here through technical expertise, but now I'm facing challenges no amount of policy knowledge can solve." I knew exactly what they meant - they were like Mario stuck in small form trying to battle Bowser, technically in the game but critically underpowered for the level they were trying to play.

Here's why this matters: 

According to McLean & Company's 2024 Future of Work Report, leadership skill sets will need to "change completely or almost completely" by 2030. That's not a typo - completely. The leadership game is being rewritten, and we need new power-ups to stay competitive.

The research reveals some eye-opening trends:

  • 71% of professionals aged 18-29 would take a 10% pay cut to work for an organization creating positive social impact
  • Traditional career paths are dissolving as workers prioritize work-life balance and role enjoyment
  • Technical skills have a shorter shelf life than durable skills like analytical thinking and emotional intelligence
  • Organizations are shifting toward skills-based models rather than rigid position descriptions
And here's where it gets even more interesting - Gallup's latest Global Leadership Report reveals what your team is really looking for in their leadership power-ups. Just like Mario needs specific power-ups for different challenges, your team needs four essential elements from you: hope, trust, compassion, and stability.

Here's the game-changer: Hope isn't just a nice-to-have power-up - it's the superstar of leadership abilities. A whopping 56% of attributes linked to influential leaders revolve around hope, leaving trust (33%) in second place. Think about that - hope is literally more powerful than trust!

And for all my leaders of young employees out there, this is especially crucial for your Gen Z team members. The data shows that 18-29-year-olds are particularly hungry for hope-focused leadership. (Remember that 71% who'd take a pay cut for meaningful work? They're looking for leaders who can paint a picture of positive impact!)

But here's the really wild part - your leadership power-ups have more impact than you might think. Gallup found that workplace leaders have almost as much influence on people's lives as family members (34% vs 44%). That's right - your leadership style isn't just affecting quarterly goals; it's literally shaping people's life satisfaction.

This week's leadership code: POWER-UP MINDSET ๐ŸŒŸ

Just like Mario's power-ups multiply his abilities, each new leadership skill you gain expands your capacity to navigate these changes. But here's the twist - unlike Mario, you can't just stumble upon these power-ups. You need to seek them out actively.

Early in my career, I thought leadership meant:

๐ŸคฆDoing Everything Myself - "If you want something done right..." (Plot twist: Delegation actually makes everything better!)
๐Ÿ”„ Saying Yes to Everything - My calendar looked like a game of Tetris gone wrong. (Proud graduate of People-Pleasers Anonymous now!)
โฐWorking 50+ hour weeks was my norm - That one month with only two days off? Let's file that under "Lessons Learned the Hard Way."
๐Ÿ™ˆ Avoiding Tough Conversations -  My conflict management strategy? Hope it magically disappears! (Spoiler alert: It never did.)
๐Ÿ“š Neglecting My Own Growth - To my early-career team members: I owe you a coffee and a massive apology for learning leadership on the job!

Sound familiar? Don't worry - we've all been there. These aren't just confessions; they're battle scars that turned into wisdom. And now? They're exactly what NOT to do in your leadership journey!

Today's leaders need different power-ups

The Essential Four (According to Gallup):
โญ Hope Power-Up (Your Star Power): The most crucial ability, driving 38% higher team thriving. Create an inspiring vision that gives work meaning.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Trust Power-Up (Your Fire Flower): Build credibility through consistent, transparent leadership - it's 33% of your leadership impact.
๐Ÿ„ Compassion Power-Up (Your Super Mushroom): Create psychological safety where people feel valued and understood.
๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Stability Power-Up (Your Shield): Provide clear direction and reliable support in a changing world.

But knowing what power-ups you need isn't enough - you need to know how to use them effectively. Here's how to deploy these power-ups in your daily leadership:

Create conditions for strategic and creative work: Think of this as designing your team's game level. With AI handling routine tasks, your role is to create space for innovation and strategic thinking. This means fewer status meetings and more brainstorming sessions, less micromanaging, and more empowerment.

Foster meaningful technology engagement: It's not enough to just have the latest tools - you need to be the bridge between human potential and technological capability. Like choosing the right power-up for each challenge, help your team leverage technology to enhance, not replace, their work.

Build psychological safety and belonging:  Consider this your team's shield power-up. When people feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and be themselves at work, they perform at their best. Create an environment where mistakes are learning opportunities and diverse perspectives are actively sought.

Develop both technical and durable skills: Technical skills are like temporary power-ups - useful but time-limited. Durable skills (critical thinking, emotional intelligence, adaptability) are your permanent upgrades. Your team needs both to thrive in 2025 and beyond.

Manage diverse, multi-generational teams: Your workforce spans from Gen Z to Boomers, each with different motivations and work styles. Like a game requiring different strategies for different opponents, effective leaders adapt their approach while maintaining equity and inclusion.

Prioritize wellbeing and connection: This is your team's energy bar. McLean & Company's research shows that well-being isn't just about work-life balance - it's about creating meaningful connections and ensuring people feel valued. When the energy bar is full, everything works better.

The multiplier effect? 

When you prioritize your own growth, you create ripples far beyond your immediate team. Remember that wild Gallup stat - your leadership influence is nearly equal to family members in shaping people's lives! By modeling continuous learning and deploying those essential power-ups (hope, trust, compassion, and stability), you're not just prepping your team for McLean's predicted 2030 leadership revolution - you're actively improving their whole life experience.

Think of it like throwing a Super Star in Mario - the invincibility spreads beyond just Mario to transform the whole game. When you show up as a powered-up leader, you create:
  • A hope-filled vision of the future (that 56% leadership superpower!)
  • Space for innovation and strategic thinking (crucial for McLean's 2030 forecast)
  • Permission for others to prioritize their own growth and well-being
It's not just about leveling up yourself - it's about creating an environment where everyone can thrive. That's true leadership multiplication! ๐ŸŒŸ

Your Next Power-Up Move: ๐ŸŽฎ

Take a hard look at your current leadership approach. Are you still playing on basic mode when you could be Fire Mario? The future of work demands leaders who can adapt, grow, and create meaningful impact.

Remember: Every great leader was once just like Mario at the start of World 1-1. The difference? They kept collecting those power-ups.โญ

Feeling stuck in Small Mario mode? Your next leadership level awaits. Email me "POWER-UP"๐Ÿ”ฅ to discover how the Leadership Locksmith System can help you level up your leadership game while reclaiming your life outside of work.

Resilient Leaders Rise Together ๐Ÿ’ซ

Resilient Leaders Rise Together ๐Ÿ’ซโ€‹โ€‹

You know that moment when everything seems to be falling apart, and you're supposed to be the calm one? The steady one? The one with all the answers? 

Yeah, that moment. Let's talk about that – and, more importantly, how to get through it together.

Last week, I coached a leader facing one of those impossibly tough moments. Because she had support in her corner, she didn't have to figure it out alone. Together, we crafted a strategy that turned potential chaos into a leadership win. You see, her team's grant funding may be on the chopping block, and anxiety was rippling through the office like a tidal wave. Instead of hiding in her office (tempting, right?), she reached out for support and then gathered her team for honest conversations about adapting their mission. No sugar coating, just authentic leadership in action.

This reminds me of Nelson Mandela's extraordinary example of resilience. He emerged without bitterness after 27 years in prison and transformed a nation. "A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination," he said. While we may not face challenges of that magnitude, we can learn from his ability to combine strategic thinking with unwavering compassion to bounce back stronger.

It's those everyday moments when resilience matters most:
  • Having that difficult conversation that you've been dreading
  • Standing your ground against strong opposition
  • Staying true to your values under pressure
  • Leading your team through uncertainty
  • Making tough decisions while staying human
But here's the thing - great leaders don't do it alone. They build support networks, seek guidance when needed, and know when to reach out for help.

๐Ÿ”‘ This Week's Leadership Code Word: BOUNCE 

Because the ability to bounce back isn't just about surviving – it's about thriving with support. And the most unshakeable leaders? They tap into proven techniques that transform how they handle challenges.

Let me share a few of my favorite tools from my Leadership Locksmith System coaching and training program. These are only a few of the game-changers I've seen work magic with leaders just like you:

๐Ÿ”„ Your Bounce-Back Blueprint:

A. Start Your Day with a "Mission Moment" 
Why: When the daily grind threatens to overwhelm you, connecting with your purpose reignites your passion. 
How: Before opening your email, spend 2 minutes reflecting on 1-2 ways your work impacts real people. Maybe it's the family who can safely drink their tap water or the small business owner who got their funding. 

B. Create Your "Victory File" 
Why: Our brains are wired to focus on negative feedback. This counterbalances that tendency. 
How: Start a shared folder with your team. Exchange wins, testimonials, and success stories. On tough days, you'll have a whole cheerleading squad in your corner.
Pro tip: In our coaching program, we call this your 'Leadership Legacy File' - it's incredible how this simple tool can transform your confidence.

C. Master the "Bounce Strategy" 
Why: Every setback is a setup for a comeback, but only if you have a game plan. 
How: Work through the B.O.U.N.C.E method with your coach or trusted advisor:
 Breathe and step back
 Observe the situation objectively
 Understand what's in your control
 Name your available resources
 Create an action plan
 Execute with confidence

D. Practice the "10-10-10 Rule" 
Why: This tool helps you gain perspective when everything feels urgent. 
How: When facing a challenge, ask yourself: Will this matter in 10 minutes? 10 months? 10 years? This mental framework helps you respond strategically rather than reactively. When you're not sure - check in with a circle of trusted peers to help you work through the answers.

E. Build Your "Circle of Trust" 
Why: Leadership can be lonely, and perspective is priceless. 
How: Join a peer affinity group or a leadership coaching program. Connect with 2-3 trusted peers who will tell you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear. Meet regularly to share challenges, workshop solutions, and celebrate wins.

Here's what I see time and again: These tools are powerful on their own, but the real transformation happens when leaders combine them with personalized coaching support. Think of it like having a personal trainer for your leadership muscles - someone who knows exactly when to push, when to adjust, and how to help you achieve results faster than you could alone.

Remember: Your calm presence during storms isn't just leadership – it's a gift to everyone around you. 

But you don't have to weather those storms alone.
Please share this article with a fellow leader who might need it today. Sometimes, the strongest thing we can do is remind each other that we're not alone in this journey.

Here's the truth: The world needs resilient leaders now more than ever. And with the right support? You've got this.

Staying Afloat in Stormy Seas

Staying Afloat in Stormy Seas
I'll never forget that March morning in 2020. My phone buzzed with an urgent message - I'd been tapped for our agency's COVID response team. My heart raced as I walked into my team meeting, knowing they'd look to me for answers I didn't have. But you know what? We got through it. Together. And you will, too.

Dear government leader, I see you. The weight of proposed federal changes, contract reviews, and grant uncertainties is heavy. Your people are looking to you, just like mine looked to me. And even though you might be processing your own worries, you're showing up every day with strength and grace.

This week's Leadership Code Word is HARBOR... 

... because that's precisely what you are for your team right now.

Just as a harbor provides safety during storms, your steady presence is precisely what your team needs. 

Here's how to be their harbor (while taking care of yourself too):

๐ŸŒŠ Listen with Your Heart 
  • Create space for concerns (including your own) 
  • Share "I hear you" moments 
  • Remember: you don't need all the answers to be supportive
๐ŸŒŠ Focus on Your Circle of Control 
  • Guide your team to focus on what they CAN influence 
  • Keep daily work moving forward - it provides stability 
  • Maintain team routines where possible - they're comforting anchors 
  • Remember: energy spent on things we can't control is energy wasted
๐ŸŒŠ Capture Your Team's Greatness 
  • Help each person articulate their unique superpowers 
  • Document team wins and project successes 
  • Celebrate the skills they've developed 
  • Remember: their talents and accomplishments don't disappear with organizational changes
๐ŸŒŠ Build Your Village 
  • Create lasting connections (team chats, social media groups) 
  • Encourage peer support networks 
  • Stay connected - community matters now more than ever
๐ŸŒŠ Lead with Grace 
  • Be present and visible 
  • Share what you know honestly 
  • Trust that your calm presence is enough
Here's what I want you to know: Leadership can be challenging on the easy days, and what you're navigating right now is especially tough. 

But you're doing better than you think. Your steady presence, your thoughtful words, your quiet strength - it all matters more than you know.
You're not just managing change - you're showing others how to face uncertainty with dignity and hope. That's real leadership, my friend.

And hey - who's supporting YOU through this?

Leadership can feel lonely, but it doesn't have to be. I've created a special coaching package specifically for amazing government leaders like you. Because sometimes you need a safe harbor too.

You've got this. And I've got you.

Stop Being So Serious: Why the Best Leaders Know How to Laugh ๐ŸŽญ

Stop Being So Serious: Why the Best Leaders Know How to Laugh ๐ŸŽญ
Once upon my late 20's, I was sitting at an Improv show in Denver and had that thought... I could do that! Little did I know that decision would transform not just my evenings but my entire approach to leadership.

From there, I spent a few years in classes and on stage at a couple of small theaters in the Denver area. (And oh! What I would give to have that 20-something energy again - working full-time, performing downtown, and then somehow still having the energy to socialize until all hours at least five nights a week!)

But here's the unexpected plot twist: 

Those late nights of saying "yes, and..." taught me more about leadership than any management book ever could. Improv didn't just make me funnier - it made me a better leader in two crucial ways:

First, it taught me the art of truly listening and validating others' perspectives. In improv, if you're planning your next line instead of listening to your scene partner, the whole thing falls apart. Sound familiar, fellow leaders?

Second, and most surprisingly, it revealed the transformative power of appropriate humor in leadership. Sure, we've all heard "laughter is the best medicine," but in leadership? It's rocket fuel for team connection.

This week's Leadership Code Word is HUMOR. 

It's time to challenge the notion that serious work requires serious faces all the time.
Here's why the best leaders embrace appropriate humor:

๐ŸŽฏ The Leadership Magic of Laughter 

  • Creates psychological safety (people trust leaders who make them laugh) 
  • Reduces workplace stress (hello, better productivity!) 
  • Makes messages memorable (bye-bye, boring meetings)

Think about your favorite leaders. I bet you remember the ones who made you laugh. The boss with the endless dad jokes about his “Saab story” because his car was always in the shop, the director whose eyes twinkled with subtle wit when he landed a joke no one noticed, the colleague whose laugh echoed down the hallway - we remember them because they made us feel connected.

But I can hear some of you now: "That's great, but I'm not funny."

Here's the secret - leadership humor isn't only about telling jokes or doing standup. It's about embracing our shared humanity and the delightful absurdity of work life.

Let me share a story that perfectly illustrates this...

Picture me, the brand new leader in the office trying to be a healthy professional, making one of those fancy bagged salads in the break room. One wrong turn later - SPLAT! The entire thing's upside down on the carpet. (That oil stain is probably still there!) Instead of hiding my klutziness, I shared it. Soon, everyone felt comfortable sharing their "human moments" - from walking into doors to those awkward, “I can’t believe I called the same person back twice” situations.

That's real leadership humor - not rehearsed jokes, but authentic moments that remind us we're all human.
Want to bring more light to your leadership? Try these approaches:

๐ŸŒŸ Humor Leadership in Action 

  • Share your own "oops" moments openly 
  • Find the lighter side of workplace challenges 
  • Create space for natural, appropriate laughter 
  • Lead with authenticity over perfection

In today's high-pressure public sector environment, your willingness to find humor in challenges sets the tone for your entire team. When you can laugh at the coffee maker's daily rebellion or that agency-wide email that went to reply-all instead of just the intended person, you give your team permission to stay positive, too.

The best part? This leadership superpower is already within you. You don't need to become a comedian - you simply need to be willing to let your human side show.

Ready to level up your leadership beyond just bringing more humor? 

Through my 20+ years in public sector leadership, I've identified the 7 Leadership Mistakes that Destroy Confidence as a Public Sector Manager - and compiled proven solutions for each one.

Remember: Your team doesn't need you to be perfect. They need you to be real.

When Gossip Runs Wild (And How to Tame It)

When Gossip Runs Wild (And How to Tame It)
Ever witnessed a leadership face-palm moment that made you cringe so hard you needed a neck massage?

Picture this: An annual employee day turns into a leadership nightmare as a director publicly scolds their entire staff for... wait for it... talking to each other. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Yep, I witnessed this firsthand, and it was about as effective as trying to stop a dam leak with sticky notes. Not only did it fail spectacularly to stop the gossip, it actually poured gasoline on the fire!

Here's the thing, fellow leaders: This isn't about "fixing" your staff or stopping people from talking. It's about recognizing that proactive transparency is simply part of your job description now. 

When you create an environment where real information flows freely, something magical happens - your team starts operating from a place of security instead of fear.

๐ŸŽฏ Let's Get Real: Gossip isn't a sign that something's wrong with your team - it's a flashing red warning light that something's wrong with your communication strategy.

Think about it: When employees feel safe asking questions directly and know they'll get honest answers (even if that answer is "we don't know yet"), they're far less likely to rely on the rumor mill. 

They'll come to you instead of speculating with colleagues. 

They'll fact-check assumptions instead of spreading them. 

Most importantly, they'll trust that if something big is happening, they'll hear it from leadership first.

Through my current Innate Wellbeing certification work, I've discovered some fascinating nuggets about how our brains handle uncertainty. 

Spoiler alert: We're basically conspiracy theorists in waiting! 

Here's what happens when information goes MIA:
๐Ÿ“ฆ Our Brains Hate Empty Spaces: In the absence of real information, your team's imagination fills in the blanks. It's literally hardwired into our survival instincts!

๐Ÿ˜ฐ Anxiety Turns Up the Volume: When people feel insecure or scared, their imagination goes into overdrive - and rarely in a "sunshine and rainbows" direction.

๐ŸŒ€ Fear Creates a Feedback Loop: The more anxious people get, the more distorted their assumptions become. That wild theory about the office moving to Antarctica? Suddenly seems totally plausible!

โฌ‡๏ธ Trust Takes a Nosedive: When leaders respond by clamping down harder on information, it confirms everyone's worst fears. Hello, death spiral!

This week's Leadership Code Word is TRANSPARENCY. 

It reminds us that silence from leadership creates a vacuum - and nature (plus your team's survival instincts) abhors a vacuum. If you're not filling that space with clear, consistent facts, anxiety and speculation will rush in faster than a last-minute budget amendment.

Look, I get it. Sometimes, we can't share everything. 

Sometimes, we genuinely don't know what's coming next. 

But here's what more than 20 years in public sector leadership taught me: your team would rather hear "Here's what we know right now" than radio silence. 

They'd rather see you actively working through uncertainty than assume you're hiding under your desk (though trust me, I've been tempted!). 

Most importantly, they'd rather get regular updates about what you CAN share than piece together their own story from break room whispers.


๐ŸŒŠ Flood the Zone with Facts
• Schedule brief daily stand-ups (even 5 minutes counts!)
• Create a "What We Know/What We Don't Know Yet" dashboard
• Send weekly email updates - yes, even if nothing's changed
• Use multiple communication channels (email, meetings, chat)

๐ŸŽฏ Make Information Accessible
• Create a central source of truth (team site, shared drive)
• Document decisions and their reasoning
• Share meeting notes within 24 hours
• Keep an updated FAQ

๐Ÿค Build Trust Through Transparency
• Admit when you don't have answers
• Share the timeline for expected decisions
• Explain what's preventing immediate answers
• Acknowledge rumors directly and correct misinformation

When you consistently show up with transparent communication, your team shifts from "What aren't they telling us?" to "Let's ask - they'll give us straight answers." 

That's not just better for morale - it's better for productivity, innovation, and your sanity as a leader.

Remember: "We're still figuring things out, but here's what we know..." is ALWAYS better than playing leadership hide-and-seek!

If communication gaps are causing gossip chaos, you might be dealing with other confidence-crushing leadership challenges, too. 

I've identified the 7 Leadership Mistakes that Destroy Confidence as a Public Sector Manager - and compiled proven solutions for each one.

Download your free guide to discover:
• The delegation disaster that's making you work 60-hour weeks
• Why your "helpful" problem-solving is actually hurting your team
• The meeting mistake driving your high performers away
• Plus four more confidence-killing traps you need to avoid!

Here's to leading with clarity (and keeping the water cooler conversations boring)

Busy โ‰  Impact: Your 2025 Time Revolution ๐ŸŒŸ

Busy โ‰  Impact: Your 2025 Time Revolution ๐ŸŒŸ
Let's be honest - you didn't join public service to spend your days drowning in emails and sitting in endless meetings.

You're here to make a real difference in your community. 

To protect vital resources. 

To lead meaningful change.

But somewhere between your mission and your Monday morning, chaos crept in.

Picture this: You're finally diving into that critical new management plan when...

ding "Quick question!"
buzz "Can you hop on a call?"
knock knock "Got a minute?"
ding "Please review ASAP!"

Sound familiar? I see you nodding! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Like dominoes, each interruption knocks down your focus, productivity, and, ultimately, your ability to deliver on your mission. 

But here's the flip side - when you set one firm boundary, it creates a positive cascade effect. Your ability to focus leads to better decisions, which builds team trust, ultimately creating more time for the work that matters most.

This week's leadership code word: BOUNDARIES

Here's the core of the matter - your work matters too much to let it get squeezed into the margins between endless interruptions. 

Those breakthrough solutions you're meant to create? They need space to grow. 

That team you're developing? They need your focused attention, not your scattered leftovers.

Let's unlock a few boundary-setting strategies to add to your 2025 leadership toolkit:

๐Ÿ”“ Email Batching 

Email: Where good intentions go to die - unless you batch it like a boss!
1. Set Priority Hours - Block 2-3 specific times each day that you will focus on email and then leave your email notifications off for the rest of the day. No more ding-distractions all day!
2. Set Your Response Windows: Create clear expectations for response times and tell team members what to expect. (For example, let them know if the email is Critical: You'll respond the same day, Important: Within 24 hours, Regular: Within 48 hours, FYI only: Weekly batch processing)
3. Use an Auto-reply Template: Turn your inbox into your ally! Set up an auto-reply that works harder than a beaver building a dam. You'll set clear expectations while keeping your sanity - and yes, you can still surprise folks with an early response if your day allows! For Example: Thanks for your email! I check messages at set times daily to ensure focused work and better responses to you. For urgent matters, please call/text [number]. Otherwise, expect a thoughtful reply within [timeframe]. For [specific issues], please contact [alternate contact].

๐Ÿ”“ The Meeting Matrix

Does your work suffer because you attend too many meetings?

If so, it’s probably time to create a tool to help determine WHICH meetings are must-attend. 
Before you click "Accept" to that meeting invite, ask yourself questions like: 
  • Does the topic of this meeting directly impact your top 3 priorities?
  • Are YOU the essential expert needed?
  • Is there someone better suited to attend than you?
  • Do you have the option to say no?
  • Could this be an email? (Please say yes!)
  • Could the topic be added to another set meeting agenda?

๐Ÿ”“ Tech-Free Times

Want to know what separates good leaders from great ones? It's not their email response time - it's their ability to think deeply and create space for innovation. 

When your phone isn't buzzing every 3 minutes, your brain actually has room to do its best work. 

Design Your Own Tech-Free Sanctuary by considering setting aside time for you to be creative, proactive, and/or focused: 
โ–ก Morning routine (first 30-60 min)
โ–ก Deep work blocks (90 min minimum)
โ–ก Transition times (between meetings/tasks)

๐Ÿ”“ NOT-NOW Scripts

Your secret weapon for saying "no" gracefully is being prepared! 

Keep ready-to-roll responses in your back pocket - they're like diplomatic immunity for your time. Professional, respectful, and clearer than a mountain stream!
Here are some starter scripts:
  • Meeting deflect: "Thanks for thinking of me! Could you share the agenda first? I may have the perfect person to send in my place."
  • Email pause: "Got your request - I'm in the field until Thursday and will respond thoughtfully after I return."
  • Urgent-but-not-really: "Help me understand the timeline - what happens if we tackle this next week?"
Your mission-driven work deserves your best energy, not just your leftover minutes. 

These boundaries aren't walls - they're filters that let the important stuff through while keeping the chaos at bay.

2025 is your year to realign your time with your purpose. Because when you protect your time, you protect your ability to create a lasting impact. 
And isn't that why you chose public service in the first place?

๐ŸŽ FREE DOWNLOAD:  Ready to continue leveling up your leadership confidence? Get my new guide, The 7 Most Common Leadership Mistakes that Destroy Confidence as a Public Sector Manager (and How You Can Easily Avoid Them).

The Game of Goals - What Chutes & Ladders Taught Me About 2025

The Game of Goals - What Chutes & Ladders Taught Me About 2025

Do you remember Chutes and Ladders? 

The other day, I was reminiscing about playing with my niece and nephew (who are now somehow teenagers - time flies!). That simple board game teaches us something profound about life: just when you think you've made it, one roll can send you sliding back to square one. 

Or - surprise! - you might leap forward when you least expect it.

This brings us to this week's unlock code: GOAL SETTING

In my 20+ years of government leadership, I've played the goal-setting game two different ways. I call them the Architect and the Mountain Climber methods. (Stick with me here - I promise this will resonate!)

The Architect in me LOVES detailed blueprints. I'm talking color-coded spreadsheets with multiple tabs, daily task breakdowns, and milestone dates that would make any project manager swoon. (Come on, I know some of you are nodding along right now!)

Then there's my inner Mountain Climber who simply focuses on the next handhold. See the peak, spot a few key waypoints, check your gear, and start climbing - adjusting the route as new paths reveal themselves.
Here's the thing: I ping-ponged between these approaches for years, and both got results. But hindsight (don't you love that crystal-clear rearview mirror?) shows something fascinating.

Going Full Architect

When I went full Architect, I spent more hours perfecting my color-coded masterpieces than actually climbing. The spreadsheets were gorgeous, sure, but they became more like art projects than action plans. I was so busy updating timelines and adjusting Gantt charts that I barely moved forward.

Climbing Mountains

The Mountain Climber approach - simply focusing on that next achievable step - not only got me to the summit faster but also brought unexpected bonuses. 

Without my rigid plans blocking the view, team members felt comfortable suggesting creative shortcuts and scenic routes I'd never considered. Their fresh perspectives often led to better solutions than my perfectly planned path ever could.

Plus, when we hit inevitable obstacles, we didn't waste time mourning our derailed plans. We just found another handhold and kept climbing. Less stress, more progress, and - plot twist - even better results.

Now, let me be clear - especially in the public sector, where we're playing with taxpayer money and ambitious community goals, you need your essential waypoints. Every successful climber needs proper gear and solid preparation. 

But looking back, I wish I'd spent less time polishing those beautiful project plans and more time simply asking: What's the next step that moves us closer to our goal?

Are you ready to play? 

Here's your 2025 goal-setting game strategy: 

  • Set clear, meaningful goals (personal or professional) - and write them down! 
  • Remember: Your worth as a person isn't tied to achieving goals 
  • Release the emotional attachment to the "how" - the how will show up (it always does)
  • Don't overplan - this is a game where you have set the finish line and already know the rules 
  • Notice when the first step reveals itself 
  • Play the game - celebrate the ladders, learn from the chutes
Each goal is a new level to unlock, each challenge a puzzle to solve. Just like in any good game, you don't need the whole strategy guide before you hit "start" - you just need a direction and readiness for your next move.

Some days, you'll hit a ladder and soar. Other days, you'll slide down a chute. That's not failing - that's just playing the game! And between you and me? Those slides often teach us more than the climbs. ๐Ÿ˜‰

What’s on my game board for 2025? 

I'm unlocking new levels in helping government managers break free from leadership lockdown. Think of me as your friendly neighborhood Leadership Locksmith, creating keys to unlock the doors holding you back from your full potential.

The first lock I'm going to pick? I'm unveiling The 7 Most Common Leadership Mistakes that Destroy Confidence as a Public Sector Manager (And How You Can Easily Avoid Them)Consider it your master key to unlocking your leadership confidence. 

What leadership level are you ready to unlock first? (No boss battles required! ๐ŸŽฎ)

Keep rolling those dice, fellow players. Like any great game, leadership is meant to be played, not perfectly planned! 

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